Total Girl Philippines’ Anniversary Issue

This month, Total Girl Philippines celebrates their 8th year. This means a new layout for the magazine!

For this issue, I started working on the Totally Embarrassing section of the mag so I’m bidding farewell to illustrating sad stories. I enjoyed illustrating dramatic scenes though for TG to the Rescue, but this should be equally fun for me.

Total Girl Philippines, Sept 2012-Totally Embarrassing

Total Girl Philippines, Sept 2012-Totally Embarrassing

Totally Embarrassing

Totally Embarrassing

Vector work

Vector work

Totally Embarrassing

Totally Embarrassing

I also worked on an article about giving your room an “Eco-Makeover”. All of my previous illustrations for Total Girl consisted of at least one character, so this is something new for me.

Give Your Room an “Eco-Makeover”

Give Your Room an “Eco-Makeover”

Give Your Room an “Eco-Makeover”

Give Your Room an “Eco-Makeover”

Give Your Room an “Eco-Makeover”

Full page illustration

Give Your Room an “Eco-Makeover”

Give Your Room an “Eco-Makeover”

Vector work

Vector work

Enjoy the illustrations and let’s all greet Total Girl Philippines a Happy Birthday!