Random Sketches #1

I’m starting a series of posts to show you my random sketches! Daily sketching (project sketches not included!) is really important for artists to continue improving and developing their skills. I am not able to do it every single day though, but I try to sketch as much as I can.

Sometimes it’s nice to challenge yourself and pick random themes online. I discovered 1000thingstodraw.com and they really have interesting ideas to draw.

Below are my sketches with themes from 1000thingstodraw.com

A beaver carrying an oven

A beaver carrying an oven

A pan marching with a toad

A pan marching with a toad

A school of dolphins twisting a monster

A school of dolphins twisting a monster

A glue stick listening to a kangaroo

A glue stick listening to a kangaroo

A volcano lurching at a bear

A volcano lurching at a bear

It’s Raining Shoes and Berries

I just want to share some of my old illustrations. These are a bit different from how I usually create and color scenes but these are definitely some of my favorite pieces.

Jimmeroo blog header

Jimmeroo blog header

Everything Strawberry

Everything Strawberry

Walking in the Rain

Walking in the Rain

Shoe Love

Shoe Love

The Monsters are Coming

There is something fascinating about monster characters. Their uniqueness and out-of-this-world characteristics must be the factors making them interesting, for me at least.

There’s this blog called Monsters in Real Places(MIRP). They allow artists from all over the world to submit art for the MIRP community. For the submissions, they require the use of any photograph, and as the artist, you should create and add a monster into the photo. I got interested in the blog, so I made something to share with the community. Unfortunately, the blog has been idle for months already, so I’ll just share and post my work here.

Chasey with Blue Monster - photograph/vector/illustration

Chasey on my desk

Chasey on my desk. He's actually my cousin's dog.

You can visit the MIRP blog if you want to see the other submissions. Happy weekend!

**Update: It has been uploaded last September 8 in the MIRP blog. Check it out here.