Random Sketches #1

I’m starting a series of posts to show you my random sketches! Daily sketching (project sketches not included!) is really important for artists to continue improving and developing their skills. I am not able to do it every single day though, but I try to sketch as much as I can.

Sometimes it’s nice to challenge yourself and pick random themes online. I discovered 1000thingstodraw.com and they really have interesting ideas to draw.

Below are my sketches with themes from 1000thingstodraw.com

A beaver carrying an oven

A beaver carrying an oven

A pan marching with a toad

A pan marching with a toad

A school of dolphins twisting a monster

A school of dolphins twisting a monster

A glue stick listening to a kangaroo

A glue stick listening to a kangaroo

A volcano lurching at a bear

A volcano lurching at a bear